Some major changes are going on in my life right now. SUPER major. I just wrapped almost 7 years with the same program at a university in the North Texas area. This position was one of the greatest honors and challenges of my life thus far. I grew personally, mentally, physically, and professionally from this experience. I learned so many things. Things about myself, about leading others, about college students, and about the genuine privilege it is to help others achieve their dreams. As I wrapped up my final day this past week, I was able to deliver my final leadership lesson and I thought maybe I could share that with all of you.
Now, be mindful, I am not a leadership expert, nor do I have all the answers to professional development. But I have seen first-hand the impact good servant leadership has on a team, on their personal lives and professional growth. I have also witnessed the influence bad managers have over their colleagues. And my hope is that you be one of those good, servant leaders, impacting lives and helping facilitate dreams for generations to come. And with that note, here’s my last (for that position) lesson on leadership.
Rachel’s Last Leadership Lesson
Before I leave PLP, I wanted to give one last leadership lesson. My desire for every class I have been privileged to work with has always been the same, that you would grow into the best servant leaders possible. That you would use this year to take a microscope to your own life and leading style and be open to growth.
Growth only comes from a place of humility, from understanding you may not know everything or have it all right from the start. Growth comes from accepting feedback, processing emotions, and learning from your mistakes. Growth is what allows you to be a great leader and a great servant leader in particular.
Because leadership is not a title or an office, a paycheck or any amount of power. Leadership is listening when you don’t agree, persevering when it is hard, and continually seeking improvement for yourself, your team and your company. Leadership is learning and you all are in the best place this campus has to offer to learn. I truly believe that, though I am a bit biased.
You couldn’t ask for better people to display this mentality to you. Our mentors are living it, our student directors are learning it, and our speakers communicate it. So, as I leave you, I hope you will take this last lesson to heart and it will empower you to lead boldly, with generosity and humility.
Annnnnddddd…… queue all the happy and sad tears. This was a hard and joyful day for me on so many levels. But the truth of these words is the same. Good leaders know they have to continue to grow and I believe they only know that through humility. Humility is a hard lesson for those receiving it and witnessing it being received. It is often like a violent, Texas thunderstorm rolling in with an ancient oak tree in the storm’s path. The storm is beautiful and destructive but leaves behind a calm and a more resilient tree, having been made stronger than before through withstanding the winds and rain.
I have many more leadership lessons and perspectives rolling around in my head. Maybe that will be my next book! Who knows? What I do know, is that as believers we are called to live in humility and service whether we have a leadership position or not. We are to seek growth opportunities in all areas of life as we know this development further prepares us for the journey the Lord has called us to next. He equips us with the tools we will need as a child of His kingdom. He will do the same for you as you learn to lead from a heart of service. What is the best lesson in leadership you’ve seen or heard? Drop it in the comments below so we can all learn from your experience!