New Year, New Goals, New Me

If you know anything about the enneagram, then you will understand when I say that I am an 8. If you have no idea what I am talking about, google enneagram test or institution and you can read all about it. So anyway, I am an 8, which means I am super goal-oriented, and I am one of those crazy people who set goals at the beginning of every year or a new season and actually accomplish them.

I usually set goals in a variety of areas in my life. Financial, personal, physical, spiritual, and travel (that’s no surprise to anyone that knows me). And this year is no different, except I thought it would be fun to share my 2020 goals with you so you may be encouraged to make your own, or at the very least- ask me about it when you see me next. Accountability is VITAL for accomplishing goals, especially those longer-term ones. And now that we are halfway through the first month of the new year, I figured I might as well get these up there.

  1. Physical: Complete 200 workouts in 2020. This past year, I had the same goal, to work out 200 times, and life happened too many times to accomplish this goal. I got close, around 150. Which isn’t bad for being out of the country for two months of the year, but still. I’d like to accomplish this one. And it is not as easy as it sounds!
  2. Physical: LOSE WEIGHT. This one probably ends up on 90% of people’s goals for the new year. But this year, I want to lose weight but in ways that are sustainable. Stress and life changes have had an impact on my body, and it is time to take it back. But more importantly, I am using this next year to work on healing my PCOS from the inside out. This will require finding balance, workouts that work for me, eliminating foods and rediscovering myself among the things that have found themselves into my world (and on my hips!).
  3. Professional- hit goals at work in both halves, find new ways to invest in EAB. Every 6 months, I have new goals associated with my position and hitting them gives me financial advantages (read: I can travel more!). I would love to hit all of my goals as I continue to grow in this new position.
  4. Relational- Find unique ways to connect with family and friends who aren’t close by. Living away from my people has not been easy but finding time to be intentional shouldn’t be. Whether it is FaceTime, video chatting with Marco Polo, or sending snail mail or boxes, I really want to make it seems like I’m not as far away as I may feel sometimes.
  5. Personal – Start (and maybe finish) my third book. Yes, I already have another one brewing in my brain and I know there will be a point where I need to start putting the pen to paper so to speak. And I think 2020 is that time.
  6. Personal- Find a new place to volunteer and give back to the community (through mentorship, music, or education). Being in charge of a mentoring program for the last 7 years and singing in community choirs for just as long, as made be very aware of my need to give back to others. Being in a new city, I would love to find places to give back, especially if it means I can sing, or love on some kiddos.
  7. Travel- leave the country twice this year, paid for with cash. I have been pretty good about paying cash for all of my travel this past year, so I would like to continue this mentality as I look to leaving the country in 2020. I am hoping this year I will be able to go to South Africa and then Southeast Asia somewhere. But who knows. I tend to go wherever the sale flights are going.
  8. Financial- Paid for travel in cash. Again, I’d like to continue this practice. It makes me enjoy the vacation more, knowing it isn’t going to “cost” me later. It is paid for and I can thoroughly enjoy my time off without cutting back while I am overseas.
  9. Financial- Pay off 20% of school debt. I have three degrees. One was graciously paid for by my amazing parents, to whom I am ETERNALLY grateful. But after the first, the last two were on me. And well, they are still sticking around. So now that I am out of school, for real and forever this time, I want to make a large dent in these loans this year pushing for debt-free (in all areas of life) by 43. I stole that from my friend, Amanda. Honestly, I hope I am debt-free long before that, but 33 is next year and that’s just not going to happen… so 43 it is.
  10. Spiritual- Find a new church in a new city and get involved with a community group. Last, but not least by any means, I need a new home. A church family I will love, that preaches and lives the gospel and a place I can dive into community and service. There are some really great church options here, and I am looking forward to exploring them, while also finding one I can call home.

Ten goals are PLENTY for me. I usually stick with 5-7, but well it’s a new decade, so I have to go big into 2020 with a new vision. Ha. New vision, because it’s the year 2020. See what I did there? ANWAYS, I am really looking forward to this new year, especially since 2019 was so heavy. What are your plans or goals for 2020? Do you keep working on achieving these goals or do you fizzle out quickly? Comment below on your top 2020 goals and how we can help each other make them a reality!

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