
Boots & Bullets

We are at war. Are you ready?

Soldiers train day after day for the order to come in that calls them to danger. The order that draws them out into the unknown. They give their lives, their time, and their resources, all for the good of us at home to be safe and happy and healthy. Every time I think of a soldier, I stop and think, “This is what the Lord has called me to be!” God has called me to be a soldier for His army.

Being called to be a soldier for Christ looks different every day, just like the life of a soldier is never the same. There will be some days where being a soldier means you are following orders and must keep doing what you are doing. They can be mundane, repetitive, quiet, but as soldiers, you must still be ready to walk into battle prepared to fight at any moment. So, you keep up with the drills, stay in top shape, and get ready for the next time you are called out to the field. These are the boots' days. Then there are those days where they are actually at war, and it requires them to pull the trigger, to take great action, and to conquer in the name of whom they are defending. In our case, as believers, it is in the name of Christ. These are the bullets' days. Boots' and bullets' days each serve their purposes in our spiritual growth.

So, what does all of this even mean? What does it look like to be a soldier for Christ? Why is it so important? What does it mean for me specifically? Moreover, how am I using my days to prepare for and engage in the battle going on around me? I hope we can discover these answers together, uncover what having a wartime mentality for the Kingdom means, and how it can transform our days, our relationships, and our lives.

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Sweatpants & Stilettos

Honest Conversation. Encouraging truths. Real Healing.

Many months of this year were what I call the sweatpants days. Don't even try to tell me you don't understand what I mean by that statement. But just so we are all on the same page, sweatpants days are those days that all you want to do is stay in bed with your sweatpants on and have Netflix at your beck and call. They are the days in which the sun should not shine, the world should not move on, and no one should smile, laugh or be happy.

Thankfully, I have learned this year that sweatpants days don't last forever. I have seen them go from sweatpants to jean days to leather pant days and then on to stiletto days. Those days where you feel the absolute best and are 100% yourself, doing what you were created to do, with people you love to be around, and everything is falling into place. Blessings from heaven abound. Yeah. Those days. They are the stiletto days. They are the take-on-the-world-tell-them-whose-boss-no-one-can-stop-you kind of days. And they are awesome. I love those days.

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