Temporary. This word seems to be the motto of my life right now. Current living situation? Temporary. 2.5 hours commute to work each way? Temporary. Having no church home? Temporary. I could keep going, but you get the idea. Temporary is not bad or good, it just is. In this season of transition I find myself in, temporary seems to be my answer to most questions. There are two things I have noticed about being in a temporary state, and I figured sharing them with you all was the best way for me to feel like I’m not going through all of this for nothing.
The first thing I’ve noticed about being in temporary situations is, I find myself not caring about certain things like I normally would. Take doing laundry. Normally, I am one to organize and fold for every drawer. But right now, with my things crammed into every corner available to me, I’m lucky for it to fit in the drawer let alone be organized. I’m willing to let things go that aren’t as essential if it is only for a brief time. I know laundry is a small example, but this is only the beginning. Paying off debt, though it may feel like forever, is temporary. At some point, it will actually be paid off (PLEASE LORD JESUS!).
The other thing I’ve noticed about the temporary state I am in is, I can endure more than I ever thought possible if it is only for a short amount of time. A 2.5-hour commute each way is dumb. I would have NEVER wanted that for myself, nor thought it possible for me to actually do it everyday week after week. And yet, here I am living my best train commuter life so that I can wait for an affordable place to open up. I endure hard workouts, sometimes harder than I want them to be and do things I NEVER thought my body could do, because I know in 60 minutes (or less) the torture will be over. If I know it is ending, I am more prone to endure. Just keep going. Seasonal seems to give my brain the excuse to just hold on, whether I should or not is another question entirely.
But what really got me thinking about this idea of temporary is how we are meant to live as Christians in this temporary home of ours, the earth. How we are to be good stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to us, but also to realize that because this is temporary there are things we should just let go and things we should endure for the season. Here are some examples of what I mean.
If we really view this world as temporary, isn’t there a point where we stop fighting one another, just let it go, and realize we have more to do with the time we have been given? I’m not saying there aren’t things worth fighting for: the lives of unborn children, the ability to adopt more easily, the souls caught up in immigration issues all around the world, the lost to find Christ. These are just a few. I’m not saying we don’t keep fighting, I am saying maybe it is time we pick our battles. I’d rather fight for others than fight with a coworker over who is right or wrong. I’d rather be an advocate for Jesus than persecute others in His name.
Similarly, if I recognize this world as temporary, couldn’t I endure a harsh word in response to the gospel? Couldn’t I hang on just one more day to the hope of Jesus’ return and His purpose for my life until that happens? Couldn’t I suffer through hard seasons more gracefully knowing this is not the end for me, this is will not be my defeat? If what we are living, working, breathing, is only temporary, then I can endure the pain or hurt it brings with less (maybe not too much less, but less) drain than I would on my own.
You and I are temporary people, living in a temporary world, surrounded by temporary situations. We are charged with enduring and letting go so that we may take the best advantage of the limited amount of time and resources we have this side of our eternal, permanent home. That word- permanent- gives this wandering heart a great sense of peace, of being settled, deeply planted. And that is exactly where we were created to be- at peace, settled, deeply planted by the river of life in the presence of the Most High King.
Where do you see temporary in your own life and what are you doing with it?